Using Forms Designer In eQuip
- Log into eQuip with your name and password
- Enter your Username
- Enter Your Password
- Choose Login
- Go to ADMIN>Utilize Form Designers
- Choose ADMIN from the menu
- Choose Utilize Form Designers from the dropdown list
- Choose Asset Form
- Tabs in the Forms Designer are used to organize different fields to keep related fields together.
- To create a new tab, complete the following steps
- Choose the Tabs tab
- Enter the name of the new tab (In our example, we used “Test”)
- Choose Add Tab
- Choose Save Changes
- Change the order of the tab
- Locate the new tab by scrolling all of the way over to the right
- Choose the new tab (Test)
- Go to the Tab Definition section at the top-right of the screen
- Left-click in the Order box
- Enter the number for the order that you would like the new tab to appear in
- You will have to reorder the tabs that will appear after this tab in the tab ordering
- Choose Save Changes
Create new asset fields in the new tab
- There are thirteen different types of fields that you can create in eQuip:
- Checkbox – This field type is a simple checkbox that can be checked or unchecked, denoting whether a condition is true [checked] or false [unchecked] (e.g. Is Active)
- Date – This field type Accepts dates (dd/mm/yyyy). Can be entered by typing into field or by clicking on calendar icon and selecting date. (e.g. Shelf Life Expiration Date).
- DropDown – This field type is a basic drop-down menu. The User can select one option from a list of one or more items that become visible when the field is clicked on and expands. Dropdown lists get their data from the value list entry, which allows you to import/export lists from Excel, or edit by hand. Additionally, a SQL command can be used to provide content for the list. Dropdowns can be filtered by the selection of another dropdown on the form. (e.g. Primary Custodian).
- Float – This field type accepts non-integer numbers (decimals) up to the hundredths place. If more decimal places are entered, the number is rounded to the nearest hundredth. Nondigit characters (other than decimal points) will not be accepted into float fields at all.
- Grid – This field type is a control that is used to display data from other tables that are related to the asset displayed on the form. The grid control will display data based on a SQL command or it will display data from a mapping table. (e.g. Maintenance Record).
- HyperLink – This field type looks like a field name with no field. Hyperlinks can only be edited in Form Designer, where it is assigned a URL.
- Label - This field type is a short piece of text that appears on the form. A label looks essentially like a field name with no field. Cannot be edited except in Form Designer (e.g. **DoDI 5000.64).
- Memo – This field is basically a text field, but will allow more characters than a text field (e.g. Repairs Made)
- Money – This field type accepts numbers, and rounds to the nearest hundredth. Represents currency determined by administrators (e.g. Price).
- Number – This field type accepts integers – only whole numbers, positive or negative. Non-integer numbers entered into this field will be rounded to the nearest whole number (e.g. Quantity Received)
- Picture – This field type has a unique data import tool that allows you to select a picture to use and make use of an image editor (e.g. Received By (Signature)).
- Radio Button – This field type allows you to elect one item from one or more predetermined options represented by small circular buttons. One option must be selected making radio buttons mandatory fields (e.g.).
- Text – This field type accepts text. Letters, numbers, and punctuation are all legal characters (e.g. Asset Serial No).
- For the purposes of this manual we will create a Text field
- While in the Test Tab:
- Make sure that you are on the Field Definition tab
- In the dropdown list choose - Select – (if it is not already chosen)
- You may have to scroll to the top of the list to find – Select –
- Choose the type of field that you want to create (in this case Text)
- Go to the right of the Click Button To Add Field box to the Field Definition box
- Enter Name
- The name cannot have any spaces but can include underscores
- Replace NewText1 with TestField
- Enter Display Name
- This is the field name that will appear in workflows, searches, etc. where this field is used
- Replace NewText1 with Test Field
- Further to the right in the Field Definition box find the Tab dropdown
- Choose Test from the list
- This will create the new field in the correct tab
- The field now appears in the lower-half of the screen
- You may move the field label or box by clicking on them and dragging them
There are two other ways to reposition field boxes and labels
- To reposition a single field Label
- Left-Click in the box for Test Field 2
- Go to the Field Definition section at the top of the screen
- Make note of the Label Top value
- Left-Click in the box for Move Field 1
- Make note of the Label Left value
- Left-click in the value box for Move Field 2
- In the Field Definition section of the screen choose Label Left
- Enter the Label Left value that you made note of (281)
- In the Field Definition section of the screen choose Label Top
- Enter the Label Top value that you made note of (54)
- Choose Save Changes
- You will receive a success message
- Choose OK
- Notice that the Label is now aligned horizontally with the label of Test Field 2 and vertically with the label for Move Field 1
- Follow the same procedure to reposition the field value box for Move Field 2
- To align an entire row or column of asset field labels or boxes at the same time:
- Right-click in the value box for Move Field 1
- While holding down the CTRL key on your keyboard chose each of the field Labels that you want to align horizontally with the Move Field 1 label
- Release the CTRL key
- Chose the Left-Align icon
- The entire column of Labels is now aligned vertically
- Left-click in the value box for Test Field 3
- While holding down the CTRL key on your keyboard chose each of the field Labels that you want to align horizontally with the Test Field 3 label
- Release the CTRL key
- Choose the Horizontal-Align icon
- Notice that the entire row of field Labels is now aligned horizontally
- Follow the same process to align the asset field boxes
- Chose Save Changes
- You will receive a success message
- Choose OK