Creating System Messages in eQuip
- On the eQuip dashboard, go to ADMIN > Manage Permissions > Roles.
- Choose the Messages tab.
- Choose Add New Record.
- Choose Add New Record.
- Enter values for each field:
- Display To All: – check (TRUE) or leave unchecked (FALSE)
- Roles: – choose the specific roles whose users should see the message (requires leaving Display To All unchecked)
- Start Date: – the day that you would like the message to start displaying
- End Date: – the last day that you want the message to display
- Message: – the actual message that you want to be displayed
- Choose the green check mark button to save your work when you are finished entering values
- Enter the following values:
- Display To All: Checked (TRUE)
- Start Date: 7/8/2021 (or today’s date)
- End Date: 7/8/2021 (or today’s date)
- Message: Test Message
- Return to the eQuip dashboard
- The message is now visible
- The message is now visible
Dynamic Messages
On the eQuip dashboard, go to ADMIN > Manage Permissions > Roles.
- Choose the Dynamic Messages tab.
- Choose Add New Record.
- Choose Add New Record.
- Enter values for each field:
- Display To All: – check (TRUE) or leave unchecked (FALSE)
- Roles: – choose the specific roles whose users should see the message (requires leaving Display To All unchecked)
- Query: - enter the query that will populate the values required for the dynamic message
- Filter: (not used very often)
- Site – narrows down the values pulled back by the query by site.
- Plan – narrows down the values pulled back by the query by plan.
- Zone – narrows down the values pulled back by the query by zone.
- Location – narrows down the values pulled back by the query by location.
- Message: – the actual message that you want to be displayed
- Email: - no longer valid (being phased out)
- Report: - choose (from the dropdown) which report you would like to provide a link for (below the dynamic message
- Spreadsheet Reports: - choose (from the dropdown) which spreadsheet report you would like to provide a link for (below the dynamic message
- Coordinated Workflows: - choose (from the dropdown) which coordinated workflow you would like to provide a link for (below the dynamic message
- Asset Tracking Workflows: - choose (from the dropdown) which asset tracking workflow you would like to provide a link for (below the dynamic message
- User Scope: - check this box if you will include in the query the necessary code to narrow down the returned values by user scope
- As an example here are the values that you would enter for a dynamic message to return the number of assets needing maintenance in the next 60 days:
- Display To All: leave the box unchecked (FALSE)
- Roles: - choose the appropriate roles for the users that you would like to have access to the dynamic message
- Administrator
- Property Custodian
- Property Administrator
- Query:
SELECT count(*)
FROM Assets
WHERE ((MaintenanceNextTestDue BETWEEN GETDATE() AND GETDATE() + 61) OR MaintenanceNextTestDue<=GetDate()) AND (isActive = '1')
- Filter: - N/A
- Message: - Assets needing maintenance in the next 60 days: {Count}
- Email: - N/A
- Report: - N/A
- Spreadsheet Reports: - N/A
- Coordinated Workflows: - Maintain Assets
- Asset Tracking Workflows: - N/A
- User Scope: leave unchecked (FALSE)
- When finished entering values choose the green check mark button in the lower left-hand corner
- Return to the eQuip dashboard
- The dynamic message appears with the link to the Maintain Assets workflow below it