How to create a basic transaction tracking workflow in eQuip.

Create A Basic Transaction Tracking Workflow 


Step One:  Create Transaction Table 

  • On the eQuip dashboard choose TOOLS > Manage Transaction from the menu 
  • Choose Create/edit 
  • Enter a name for the transaction table and then choose Save 
  • There will be some default fields that are automatically populated in the table: 
    • Transaction Name 
    • Incomplete Traction 
    • Completed 
    • Requested Quantity 
  • Choose Add New Field in the first section of the screen 
  • Choose the dropdown field for Asset Dropdown Field To Display: 
    • Choose Asset Summary.Account No  
  • The Field Name and the Display Name values are automatically populated 
    • Choose the green check mark button in the bottom-left corner to save the field 
  • For fields that will only be used for the transaction: 
    • Enter the Field Name 
    • Enter the Display Name 
    • Change the field type (if necessary) 
      • The default is Text 
    • Choose the check button to save   
  • Enter the rest of the fields 
    • Do the same for the rest of the required fields 
    • Follow the same process for the required Transaction Detail Fields in the bottom section of the screen 
    • Save the table 


Step two:  Create The Search 

If a search that does not contain the required fields does not exist then it will be necessary to create a custom search 

  • On the eQuip dashboard choose ADMIN > Manage Application Settings > Asset Search Configuration 
  • Enter a name for the new search and choose Create 
  • In the Search Field tab: 
    • Check the boxes for the fields that you are adding to the search 
    • Enter the Form Order number (the order in which the field will appear)   
  • In the Display Field tab 
    • To choose the fields that you want to add to the search result asset fields that will display (Main Assets Column): 
      • Choose the Utilize Asset Form Designers tab from the Tab: dropdown 
      • Highlight the field you want to move 
  • You can move fields into the list or out of the list on the right by using the right and left arrow buttons to move the fields back and forth 
  • Highlight the field that you just moved into the list on the right (bottom of the list) 
    • Use the up and down arrows to put it in the order that you want 
    • Clicking the up arrow once will move Asset Serial No above Asset Condition in the list 
  • Choose your Menu Setting (usually Edit This Item
  • Perform the same steps for both the Main Assets Column Tab (the two columns on the left) and the Child/AssetGroup Details List Tab (the two columns on the right) 
  • When you are finished configuring the search go to the top of the screen and choose Save and then Activate These Changes 
  • Enter your name and a description of the steps that you took 
    • Choose Save And CheckIn 


Step Three:  Create the workflow 

  • Go to ADMIN > Configure Workflow > Configure Workflow 
  • Choose Asset Transaction Tracking from the Process dropdown 
  • Enter a name for the workflow 
    • Choose Create 
  • For the Design tab: 
    • Choose the New Search that we created 
    • Choose the New Table that we created 
    • Leave the Default Tab Selection as Transaction 
    • Some workflows may require starting on a different tab 
    • Choose Save   
  • Choose the Transaction Field Setting tab 
  • Scroll down to the field list at the bottom of the screen 
    • For all chosen fields: 
      • Check Editable 
      • Check Searchable 
      • Check Display 
  • Go to the section of the screen called Transaction Field Order and choose Display Order 
  • In the window that appears: 
    • Use the right and left arrows to put the fields into the list on the right (or take them out) 
    • Use the up and down arrows to put the fields into the order that you want them to be in 
    • Choose Save 
    • Do the same for the Search Order and Edit order tabs 
  • Choose the Transaction Detail Field Setting tab 
  • Scroll down to the field list at the bottom of the screen 
    • For all chosen fields: 
      • Check Editable 
      • Check Display 
  • Scroll up to the Transaction Detail Field Order section and choose Display Order 
  • In the window that appears: 
    • Use the right and left arrows to put the fields into the list on the right (or take them out) 
    • Use the up and down arrows to put the fields into the order that you want them to be in 
    • Choose Save 
    • Do the same for the Edit order tab 
  • Choose the Actions tab 
  • Choose Set Transaction Field to a Particular Value 
    • Choose Add 
  • Choose Edit for the new action that you created 
    • Choose DisposedBy from the Transaction Field: dropdown 
    • Enter the text Select FullName from [User] WHERE @UserID = UserID in the query box 
    • Choose Validate Query 
    • Choose Save 
  • At the top of the screen choose Save and then Activate These Changes 
  • Go to ADMIN > Manage Menu 
  • On the Manage Menus tab: 
    • Right-click ASSETS and choose Add 
    • Enter the name of the workflow 
    • Choose Asset Tracking Forms from the Select from Screens, Forms, Plugins, Coordinated Processes, or Menu Pages dropdown (left side of screen) 
    • Choose the right arrow to move it to the right 

  • The new workflow is now available in the eQuip dashboard menu and is ready to use